The Compelling Opportunity Before Us

What can I say that would lock-in your attention?  What could I tell you that would move your heart to partner with our church and IBL?  I could speak to Christ’s command in the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).  I could point out the need for our churches to develop strong partnerships with international mission efforts.  However, I would rather tell you about the pastors and people we get to work with!  I would tell you of a pastor and his wife sitting across the table from us with tears rolling down their faces as they detailed the challenges they have in shepherding their church.  They have struggled to lead the different personalities among their members.  They have met resistance when trying to implement any changes geared toward moving their membership forward in the Gospel.  They have been confronted with an attitude in their congregation of, “you are a new pastor with all these new ideas, but we’re just waiting for you to move on to another location like all our previous pastors.”  Isolated, they struggle to rise above a wide range of hindrances to continue faithfully serving God.  And they are not the only ones who experience these real, ever-present trials.

Let me tell you about another pastor that struggled mightily through COVID.  Having minimal financial support, he lost his internet service during the pandemic.  Think about how we in the states quickly adapted to online church services and Bible studies conducted via video-conferencing services.  Yet this pastor, for a period of time, could not minister to his flock because he could not afford internet service, something that we take for granted here in the United States.  He desired to be faithful, but he had no one to walk with him through those times or to encourage him as a leader.  He had no one to encourage him that God is always faithful no matter what circumstances we walk through. 

These are faithful men and women who have given their lives to bring the Gospel to their people.  They view themselves as servants, considering their lives to be living sacrifices (Romans 12:1).  Their heart is that, by God’s grace, the Gospel might move forward; and it has moved forward due to their faithfulness.  Yet there is still much to be done.  As evangelistic missionary work moves forward, these pastors and their churches desperately need training and coaching in the areas of discipleship training and leadership development.

In the United States, we take for granted the resources we have at our disposal.  We have a wide range of tools at our fingertips for leadership development, church strategies and discipleship.  We have ready access to experienced trainers, coaches and consultants, like the men and women at IBL, who ask needed questions, provide wise counsel, and align leaders to biblical wisdom.  But majority-world pastors have very limited connections, resources, and opportunities.

My church in MN, Christ Community, recognizes the blessings we have from God’s hand; and we have decided we aren’t going to sit by comfortably and not assist the labors of these faithful men and women, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, as they serve our Savior.  We are going to stretch our missions budget to partner with IBL, laboring together to develop leaders in Ecuador and South America.

Christ Community Church has always used a threefold strategy when it comes to missions endeavors.  First, we pray!  We ask God to guide us, direct us, give us wisdom and discernment when it comes to the mission.  Second, we give!  We give out of the joy of our heart so that the Gospel might be moved forward and strong disciples might be grown.  We give sacrificially out of what God has granted us so others would have the opportunity to hear the Gospel or grow stronger in their faith.  Third, we go!  We have been called to spread the Gospel.  This means getting out of my comfort zone. It means doing something that requires my time, effort, and energy.  While any one of us might not be able to do all three of these, we understand that each of us has a responsibility to participate to the extent we can.  We can all pray, we can all give, and some of us by the grace of God can go.

I am asking you personally to partner with IBL, and Christ Community in our international leader development efforts in Ecuador and South America.  The opportunity that lays before us is simply amazing!  To partner with these churches and pastors will be a massive blessing to them and to us.  This is a real opportunity to receive the blessing of being told, “well done good and faithful servant!”

-Richie Bean (IBL Partner)